Children’s Christmas Present Appeal 2022
This month we welcomed over 30 Vintners' Elves to the Hall to join in this year's Christmas Present Wrapping Day.
Yet again the Members’ generosity has exceeded last year's donations, allowing us to purchase over 1,000 toys, books, and clothes to help children and their families this Christmas.

The Elves set to work at 10:00, armed with paper, tape and scissors, and sustained by coffees/teas, mince pies, sausage rolls and some fizz generously donated by Theo Svedberg - Young Wine Trade Scheme Member and Central Regional Sales Manager at Gusbourne. This Herculean task was completed by 13:00, by which time the presents were transported and placed under the Christmas Tree in St James's Garlickhythe ready for the Company Carol Service, before being distributed by the Salvation Army to those in need.
Now in its ninth year, Members’ generous donations which together with match funding from the Vintners' Foundation has to date raised over £17,000 for the 2022 Christmas Appeal, giving us the ability to purchase approaching £20,000 worth of presents with a generous 10% discount from John Lewis. This year for the first time, the Company has also provided food vouchers to be distributed among the Salvation Army's service users - a sign of the difficult times we are living in at present.
Although the wrapping has stopped for now, there is still time to donate to the Vintners' Company Children's Christmas Present Appeal here.
Thank you for your support.